– Compatible with various versions of Microsoft Windows operating system.– Possibility to rotate part of the images without disrupting the whole photo.

– Compatibility with Adobe Acrobat and popular PDF format.– Ultra-useful Tab Browsing feature that quickly helps professionals.– Change the light angle of images simply and completely custom.– The ability to rotate images 360 degrees.– Ability to change videos in the frame by frame without the slightest changes in quality.– Powerful communication with Photoshop between computers and digital devices.– Full features to apply changes to the image, such as rotate, zoom, resize, change color and ….– Multi-layered images for professional changes.– Compatibility with other Adobe software such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Encore DVD ….– Ability to zoom into high-resolution images.– Effects, filters, incredibly beautiful brushes and many more.– Multi-color combinations to get the desired color.